
Science today already relies heavily on technology, but the next generation of scientists will depend on it even more.  Using our platform in educational settings allows students to become more and more familiar with new methods for collecting data.  We endeavour to provide our platform to educational institutes and projects at a reduced cost, specifically because we know that it can be a tool that allows students to be captured by the fun and mystery of science, just as we were when we were young.

Phenology of Plants (Фенология Растений )

This app was created in conjunction with the Kyrgyz Mountains Environmental Education and Citizen Science Project (KMEECS Project).  It allows students in Naryn Province to collect data on various plant's phenologies throughout the year. more...


Alpine wildlfowers in the Kyrgyz Ala Too

Cysticorydalis fedtschenkoana

Cysticorydalis fedtschenkoana: A rare alpine plant


Hiking through Birch and Juniper forest

Water Organisms (Водные Организмы)

Another KMEECS Project, this was developed in order for students to accurately collect and collate data about macro-invertebrates from freshwater environments. more...


Students surveying for macro-invertebrates


Macro-invertebrates recorded in one sampling area